Towel Easter Bunny Basket

Easter is just around the corner! I wanted to share with you this adorable Towel Easter Bunny Basket. It is a simple project and a great way to give a useful gift. I have two active nephews who will love a jump start to summer!

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What you’ll need:

Rubber band in coordinating color
Swim goggles or sunglasses
Fun items to fill the basket with

I started with a 28×58″ character towel. These towels are thinner than your solid color beach towels. If you get a thicker beach towel make sure it is bigger so the proportions are similar or you may have a chunky bunny.

Beach Towel for bunny basket

Fold the towel in half, bringing the two short ends together. Line the edges up as closely as possible.

Fold Towel

Next fold the towel in half corner to corner. You want to choose the corner with the tags to meet another corner. The top and bottom right corners will soon be the bunny ears and you don’t want tags sticking out of them. You can also just cut the tags off and solve this problem as well.

Fold into triangle

Starting on the long side you just folded start tightly rolling the towel.

Roll towel

Bend the towel in half.

Bend towel

Have your rubber band handy at this point. Take the two ends and bend them in half towards your first bend.

fold back

The fold you just made is where you will put the rubber band over.

Place rubber band here

Place the rubber band about 2 inches over the fold. This is now the face of your bunny.

add rubber band

Hold the face and bend the ears forward toward the face. Fiddle with the ears until they stand how you want them. If they are too floppy move your rubber band up to shorten the ears.

bend ears

Next add the swim goggles or sunglasses to complete the face of the bunny. For goggles place the head band under the bunny so they will hold tight. For sunglasses just fold the sides behind the ears.

add goggles

Your bunny is now ready to fill with goodies!

add goodies

FYI the bunny is just a ring so the items are just tucked into that ring. When picked up items may fall through. If you want to keep that from happening add a little box or bag to the ring to keep items together. I didn’t find this was necessary as the bunnies were quickly emptied of items and played with.