Inspiration Tuesday, Magnolia Journal

I love finding new inspiration for life and creativity. There are enough depressing things in the world to bring a person down. So I want to share a little bright spot of inspiration with you every week.

This week comes from a person I fangirl over. Joanna Gains has just started a quarterly magazine Magnolia Journal, and I am in love! I was standing in line at the store and saw the spring issue and I just had to open it up to see. Lets just say the magazine promptly went onto the conveyor belt.

I am not receiving any money for my adoration here. These are my own thoughts.

The Magnolia Journal – Spring 2017

You know that feeling you get when inspiration wells up inside of you? I got that feeling reading every page of this magazine. I drew the most from her article on hosting a floral workshop with friends. Which I think this is such a delightful idea! I love playing with flowers and revealing something beautiful I can share with others.  Why not get your friends together to create beautiful arrangements for your own life?

This got my wheels turning and I’ve already made phone calls to have my own flower party.

You don’t have to pick a complex design or bring a professional florist. There are plenty of flower arranging demos on the web. You could even try my $15 Spring Centerpiece Trio with friends. Add some champagne and have a girl’s night out for less than a movie ticket and popcorn!

Have you made flower arrangements with friends before? I’d love to hear about it! Share in the comments below.



I also love Joanna Gaines! Totally don’t have a knack for decorating, but I love her personality and style!

I love her sense of style. It has that hint of farmhouse, but is so classic! If there is something you’d like help with or a tutorial of I’d love to know!

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